10 Surprising Benefits Of Banana For Health 2019 | You Might Not Know About its Benefits

10 Surprising Benefits Of Banana For Health 2019
Ever wondered what goodness is in a banana? Other than being rich in vitamin C, bananas are a good source of vitamin B6, essential in fiber and magnesium. Bananas are sodium-free, cholesterol-free and also fat-free.

The benefits of banana for health range from being a good energy boost to providing the body with essential nutrients that it cannot function without. Bananas are one of the world’s most popular fruits and it’s no wonder why, with its creamy, mellow flavor, wide availability, and affordability.

If you’re looking for a quick fix in nutrients then the banana is one of the best options to go with. Take a look at the health benefits of bananas and you’ll find out how a banana a day could actually have a huge impact on your body’s overall state of health.

 Also Read: What is Balanced diet 2019?

10 Surprising Benefits Of Banana For Health 2019

1. Bone Strength

10 Surprising Benefits Of Banana For Health 2019

From a young age, we are taught that calcium is essential in growing and maintaining healthy bones. What most of us are not taught is that potassium is needed to help the body to properly absorb calcium.

While your body will naturally absorb about 30 percent of the calcium contained in the food that you eat, a large portion of calcium is simply flushed out of the body through urine.

Potassium regulates blood-calcium levels by helping the body to absorb more of the calcium from your diet. Bananas are easy for your body to break down and the potassium found in them is simple for the body to absorb. If you’d like to increase the amount of calcium that your body absorbs then it would definitely be a good idea to also increase the amount of potassium in your diet, which will prevent too much calcium from simply being flushed out of your body.

 2. Prevents depression

10 Surprising Benefits Of Banana For Health 2019

Bananas can help us reduce stress. They allow us to improve our mood and increase the feeling of fullness with their vitamin intake.

Specifically thanks to its content in tryptophan that when processed in the body is transformed into serotonin.

Also, being a fruit that brings energy to the body, it helps combat that feeling of fatigue and discouragement that usually accompanies depressive states.

3. Cardiovascular Health

10 Surprising Benefits Of Banana For Health 2019

The benefits of bananas can definitely be seen on a muscular level, this fruit also benefits your heart by promoting good overall blood health, regulating blood pressure, and producing blood cells. Although bananas are known for having a lot of potassium, they also are very high in vitamin B6.

In fact, one medium-sized banana has about 20 percent of the daily recommended amount of B6 for an adult. Vitamin B6 is one of the most important of all B vitamins because it is crucial in the production of hemoglobin, or a protein found in red blood cells. Having low red blood cell count is also known as anemia.

Vitamin B6 is especially important for pregnant women as it aids in the brain development of the fetus as well as making sure that there is enough blood for both mother and fetus. During pregnancy, blood levels can increase by as much as 50 percent, so it’s important that moms-to-be increase this vitamin in their diet. 

4.Combat with Anaemia

10 Surprising Benefits Of Banana For Health 2019

Thanks to the high iron property in bananas, this food is extremely excellent for people who are experiencing anemia. Anemia is known as a condition in which there is a remaining decline in the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood. This kind of act can subsequently cause fatigue, shortness of breath, and paleness. 

5. Good Source of Energy

10 Surprising Benefits Of Banana For Health 2019

Did you know that two bananas can supply the average adult with enough energy to carry out an hour and a half workout session? Bananas are a great option if you’re looking for a mid-afternoon boost of energy, especially if you want to avoid turning to caffeine, which is a stimulant rather than a dietary form of energy. 

In addition to giving your body a much-needed burst of energy, a banana can also aid in the body’s metabolic processes, such as breaking down the nutrients in food and sending the nutrients wherever they are needed. If you experience a noticeable drop in your energy levels during menstruation or shortly before your period, then be sure to add bananas to your diet during this time, as the B6 in this fruit will combat the signs of fatigue that can be induced by hormones before and during menstruation.

The benefits of bananas are numerous and there are certainly more than what we have discussed. This is a filling, low-fat fruit that can be enjoyed virtually anywhere in the world for a very low price.

6. Promote Weight Loss

10 Surprising Benefits Of Banana For Health 2019

As you can see, if you are trying to foods that are effective for losing weight, this can be much challenging; however, bananas are the best alternative. Bananas are considered as naturally sweet and thereby helping curb the sweet tooth. A 6-inch banana can contain a minimal 90 calories which are equal to nearly one-fourth of the calories you might have from a candy bar of chocolate.

 Also, the fiber content in bananas is soluble. When soluble fiber is likely to reach your digestive tract, it can absorb water and help slow down digestion. As a result, foods can sit in your stomach for a while and make you feel full longer.

7. Maintain Healthy Eyes

10 Surprising Benefits Of Banana For Health 2019

One of the most effective bananas health benefits is to make your eyes healthy. Consuming a banana in your diet regularly keeps your eyes healthy. Due to containing a little amount of vitamin A  and a fat-soluble vitamin, bananas are important for your eyes protection and normal vision.

The term "vitamin A" is described to be associated with a series of compounds, such as beta-carotene and alpha-carotene. These compounds are effective in conserving the membranes surrounding your eyes and become powerful proteins that can bring light into your cornea. A regular adequate amount of vitamin A consumption can help worsen your risk of night blindness Women should require 700 micrograms of daily vitamin A, and men require 900 micrograms.

A 6-inch banana is loaded with nearly 10 micrograms of vitamin A. Bananas is packed with alpha-carotene and beta-carotene, converting to vitamin A to keep your eyes healthy.

8. Control Blood Pressure

10 Surprising Benefits Of Banana For Health 2019

You might probably know the fact that salt is the killer when it comes to high blood pressure. In tur, bananas are low at salt and high potassium content which become contributors to make them possible for those suffering this condition.

9. Digestive Health

10 Surprising Benefits Of Banana For Health 2019

Has your digestive system been a little sluggish lately? Constipation and sluggish digestion are actually very common, especially in people who don’t consume a lot of raw fiber, such as fruits and vegetables. Your digestive system is actually very complex; it begins at your mouth and ends, well, in your bottom.

Your digestive tract includes breaking down the food in your stomach, absorbing the nutrients from food in the intestines, and clearing the refuse out of your body in the form of feces. If your body seems to be running a little slower than usual, or if your tummy feels particularly bogged down, then you might not be getting enough fiber in your diet.

Guess what? Bananas are chock-full of fiber! Fiber works as roughage to help your body normalize its bowel movements. In addition to helping your intestines work feces out easier, it also softens the texture and prevents the formation of hemorrhoids.

 10. Prevent Cancer

10 Surprising Benefits Of Banana For Health 2019

Bananas, oranges and orange juice consumption in the first two years of life are believed to support effectively the reduced risk of childhood leukemia development. Known as an excellent source of vitamin C, bananas help combat the production of free radicals which are committed to cancer. High fiber intakes in bananas are connected with a reduced risk of colorectal cancer as well. Therefore, bananas can be one of the top 10 natural foods to prevent cancer.

10 Surprising Benefits Of Banana For Health 2019 | You Might Not Know About its Benefits 10 Surprising Benefits Of Banana For Health 2019 | You Might Not Know About its Benefits Reviewed by Gautam prajapat on July 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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